Elianna Joy Brucato is here!

My "first" god-child is here: Miss Elianna Joy Brucato made her entrance last night around 6:20 p.m. She weighed in at 9 lbs, 7 ounces. I can hardly wait to go see her!

Her parents are precious friends of mine. Her dad, Mark Brucato, and I have been friends--very close friends for 7+ years now. Ruth--the wonderful, gorgeous, and exhausted mom of the bundle of love--is a marvelous, and terrific person in her own right. Hailing from Southern California, she met Mark when they were both students at the Moody Bible Institute here in Chicago. Ruth's parents have been missionaries in Africa for many years.

Andrew and Linda Brucato (Elianna's ecstatic paternal grandparents) are missionaries in the Bologna region of Italy. Mark, along with his three brothers, (Ben, Luke, Michael) grew up in Italy, and until a few years ago, were more 'at home' in the Mediterranean than they were here in the United States. After all, when you grow up in the "land of Pizza and Pasta" that seems to be a given.

Back in November of last year, Mark and Ruth asked me to be the "godparent" of this wonderful little girl. Just the fact that I would be asked was such an honor, and it brought warm tears to my eyes. Since I've never married and have no children of my own, this is the next best thing.

Now I am a "godparent"--and I'm ecstatic....as soon as I see her, I'll give you all an update.

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