The "I Am Thankful" Series...

My great friend, Dr Jackie Johns, has written an AMAZING SERIES (and I hope he continues) on things for which he is thankful. You can check it out at

It is truly wonderful. Much of it is hysterically funny, and some of it is profoundly spiritual. I'll let you figure out which is which.

Beginning on Saturday, May 1, 2010 I have every intention of beginning my "I am Thankful" series here in this very corner of 'cyber space.."

Disclaimer: My series will not be nearly as profound or as deep as Jackie's. I'm not that clever, smart, seasoned OR old. (lol).

This will be a GREAT exercise in gratitude for me.

1 comment:

Jackie David Johns said...

Phil, you're only as old as you feel. I look forward to your series.