An Election..not the end of the world...

It's hard to believe that some folks in these "nifty-fifty" United States are still fussing and fuming over our recent national elections. For heaven's was an election...not the end of the world. Surely, there are better, more relevant things to be in an uproar over...

I didn't vote for George W Bush's re-election...yet:

A) As a Christian, I have the divine privilege and sacred obligation to pray for him as he fills the nation's highest executive office (1 Timothy 2)

B) The majestic voice of democracy has spoken, even if I'm not "thrilled" with what it had to say.

C) There are multiplied millions around the globe that will never have the chance to voice their opinion concerning their political leaders. I had that opportunity, and I exercised it. Lord willing, I'll exercise that opportunity again in four years.

Republicans are claiming a "mandate" that never materialized...
Democrats are whining and blaming and fuming about this, that, and the other...

And all the hyphenated patriots in this country (Asian-American, African-American, European-American, Hispanic-American, just for example's sake) now need to get back to the business of being the most free, and greatest nation in the history of mankind.

Our churches, our local governments, our civic organizations....these will still survive, regardless of who occupies the White House in the next four years...or the four years after that....

Instead of all the "hyphenations" why don't we try being "Americans" for a change?

It was an election...not the end of the world.

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