A gentle reminder...

I was watching Kirk Talley give part of his powerful testimony on LIFE TODAY--yesterday's broadcast. Kirk is a marvelously multi-talented singer, and has blest people around the world with the gifts God has planted within him. He has also battled some very powerful forces of evil for most of his life.

I remember one of the songs that Kirk, along with his brother and sister-in-law, Roger and Debra Talley sang in the early 1980s:

Red can't explain the beauty of a rose,
White can't tell the magic in the air when it snows;
Marvelous can't half convey the grace of the King,
The only word for grace is amazing.

There's no other word for grace but amazing,
No other explanation will do;
Unmerited favor, the song that I sing,
No other word for grace but amazing.

In my own life, I'm constantly being reminded of just how "amazing" this grace--this wonderful, saving grace, really is--every moment of every day. I am astounded that the infinite All-wise, all-powerful, Everliving God would stoop down to such a sinner as myself and flood my soul with His grace.

Only Jesus could do something like that.

Praise our living God for His marvelous grace!

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