Do we really understand "relationships"?

It seems like the entire world revolves around "relationships"--of one sort or another....

God(the Original Intelligent Designer) created the Universe--thus establishing that "relationship."

God (the OID) created humanity: males and females--and thus enabling both entities to have meaningful relationships with Himself, and with each other.

We have "relationships" with alot of different entities in our lives:

Colleagues at work
Family Member
Fellow students
Our neighbors where we live
and "the family of God" in our local congregations.

The reason I'm writing this one, is because there seems to be a somewhat disintegration--breakdown--stranglehold...something or another where relationships are concerned.

I wrote a year or more ago that "relationships" in the Kingdom of God are not supposed to be just "utilitarian" vessels through which we accomplish our oft-selfish purposes. From my understanding of the Scriptures, people actually do matter!

I recently (well actually about six months ago) felt it necessary to change my regular place of worship on Sunday mornings (and other times) to a different congregation. It was a very difficult and very painful decision--but also one that had to be made. And the reason: Sour, unhealthy relationships in the old church.

Relationships that were utilitarian, and untrustworthy. Relationships that were not solid, and unreliable.

So now, I'm beginning to do a serious study of the New Testament on what "relationships" should really be like...beginning at the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter one.

What do you think?

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