Living among Spiritual Giants: Leonard Kendrick

Part three of my series on "Spiritual Giants" details my great friend, Retired Pastor/Denominational Official, Bishop Leonard F Kendrick.

I first met this wonderful man some 30+ years ago, when I was just a snotty-nosed teenager in the West Huntsville Church, and he was the visiting minister from Cleveland , Tennessee. I immediately fell in love with both he and his wife, Joyce.

I've never forgotten them, and they have always been like parents to me.

His grandson Curry calls him "Dadda"--so that's what we have all started calling him--whether we are related or not.

He was born and raised in the far southern part of Illinois, in a wonderful godly home, where his parents were devout Methodists. He still honors their place in his life.

I want to write more about him tomorrow. It's getting late today, and I've been in this office without lunch for more than ten hours now.

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