THE DAY AFTER: What really bothers me....

Now that Election 2004 is finally coming to a much-welcomed halt, we get back to the business of daily living, and resuming some sense of normality to the already-insane pace that most of us keep.

My candidate, Senator Kerry, has decided to concede, and to move on with his future. Even though I am saddened, I'll recover no doubt.

What is more saddening for me, as a Bible-believing Christian, is how divided the United States has become in this profoundly important process for our citizenry.

But causes tremendous sadness for me is how Christians relate and react to one another during this process. I've seen families divided, local congregations upset with one another, and Christians who would even doubt another Christian's relationship with the Saviour simply because of their political differences.

That's not right....regardless of how we "slice it."

Some of these same people who ballyhoo over the "unborn" (and I'm pro-life by the way) but take no thought of the "murders" they commit with their tongues--against those with whom they disagree, or with whom they might see issues from another angle than their own. The Epistle of James, The Book of Proverbs, and even Jesus Christ Himself warned us about the destructive power of our words and our tongues when they are used unrighteously.

The bitter divisions between family members, friends, and fellow church members must be mended. How can we expect a "watching world" to believe anything that we say about the "Good News" of Jesus when we embrace such horrific strife? The "sniff test" for our marks of discipleship is not how we align ourselves politically. It's not even how we align ourselves sociologically.

I'm completely in opposition to "Gay Marriage"--I even oppose the "Civil Union" concept that both major political parties have endorsed. And I live in a city that has a very prominent and very powerful "gay lobby" on most issues.

What is more appalling than the lobbyists though, is the way many Christians have reacted to the issues regarding homosexuality, same-sex marriages, and civil unions. These people are still created in the image of God--even though the Enemy has distorted that "image" where their sexuality is concerned. There is hope, there is help, and there is freedom.

But not according to the many believers who are willing to vilify those caught in such circumstances. Maybe we believers need to remember six important words in the New Testament, "and such were some of you..." (1 Corinthians 6).

It's how we "love each other." That's the command, exhortation, and indentifying marks, according to our Lord (John 13:33-35).

Senator Kerry is doing a noble thing by conceding this Presidential Election. That shows what a strong and gracious man he really is. President Bush has already noted the Senator as being a very tough and worthy competitor. After all, they were competitors--not enemies.

Sadly, we often view those who disagree with us as our enemies. I've personally experienced this....from those with whom I would have least expected it. And that profoundly saddens me.

And I'm sure it saddens the heart of God.

May His grace and love flood all that we do, say, and believe.

Phil Hoover

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