Another Janet Update....

Here's a letter from John, Janet's husband, dated 21 February 2005 (Yesterday):

(6:30 AM) Today is day 5 following Janet's second round of chemotherapy, and there does seem to be a predictable pattern developing. Day 1 of chemotherapy is quite simply, total exhaustion! The good news this time was very little nausea immediately following the chemo treatment.

Day 2 is a very interesting day judging by these previous two rounds. This is the day where Janet feels pretty much "bullet proof". As she stated in her newsletter, "I'd begun to think that chemo had been getting a bad rap - what was the big deal?". I was upstairs working on a photo album to upload to the web site, when I hear the vacuum cleaner running. I go downstairs and Janet is vacuuming everything in sight, good thing Max was with Paw Paw for a few days. We exchange looks, no words are necessary, she then gently turns off the vacuum and lies down on the couch. I am now back upstairs cropping, and resizing when I hear the unmistakable sound, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh of the washing machine. Halfway down the stairs she hears me and defensively states "it's just one load, and a small one at that!".....back to the couch. I return upstairs and am working on about the 3rd photograph with what seems like a million to go, I hear sounds like, clank, clink. whirr, whirr, Janet is in the kitchen....OK, you get the drift of day two. Now, before you get the wrong impression, before you write me and say "let her work, it is good for her!" I say " NOT ON DAY TWO!" You see, day two is a lot like your credit card during those last fleeting days of Christmas, everything looks wonderful, you feel wonderful, all is right with the world. Then comes the end of January with the dreaded credit card bill!

Which leads us to days...3 & 4....horrible, terrible, just downright BAD! Day 2 giveth and Day 3 & 4 taketh away, and then some. As Janet states "I feel like I have been run over by a garbage truck!" Her body aches right to the marrow of her bones, she has a metallic taste in her mouth and NOTHING tastes good. She is totally and completely consumed by fatigue.

Today is day 5 with Janet feeling like she doesn't have to look in both directions before getting out of bed so as to avoid a rogue garbage truck. She definitely feels much better, but the road is still uphill. She is taking it easy right now for we plan to start walking around the neighborhood every day from today forward. Her Dr. says he is a firm believer in exercise, get the heart working and the blood circulating.

(5:00 PM) Janet and I just returned from a walk around the neighborhood of approximately 3 miles. She did great, in fact I had to ask her to slow down a couple of times. Thank you again for the wonderful letters of sharing and encouragement. I will post another update in about one week.

Two rounds of chemo down and two to go, we are halfway home!.

God bless all of you,

Praising the Lord for such an encouraging report. Please continue praying for Janet Paschal and her husband, as they face this "trial" together. That's what the church is all we "care for one another."

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