So is he "black" enough?

Listening to "Talk of the Nation" on our local NPR (National Public Radio) station. The discussion is the candidacy of Barack Obama, junior Senator from the state of Illinois.

The question has come up, "Is he black enough for us?"

What a dumb question...absolutely assinine!

Did the "black" folks--and I'm not one--ever learn anything from Dr King's "I Have a Dream" speech? Can we judge Senator Obama's character instead of the color of his skin?

I really hope that the voting citizenry of the United States contemplate the substantive issues of the Presidential Race for 2008. "Race" in my opinion isn't one of them.

Except for the "human" race. Whoever gets my vote must be "human."

Asking alot, huh?


Anonymous said...

Right on, Phil. I just thought it was indicative of your strong feelings on the subject, though, that it is actually spelled, "asinine" (one s). Just thought I'd be a... never mind.

Darrell said...

The idea that people would ask that question deeply troubles me. These are the true "racists" of our society.

Diane Viere said...

Couldn't agree with you more!

Great point!
