Another confession...

Someone once said that "honest confession is good for the soul..."

Not sure to whom that should be attributed, but here goes anyway:

1) I am in an emotional/spiritual battle right now. The emotional side of it has been waging on for a while...and I need to get "spiritual victory" in my mind over some very personal things.

2) I am beginning to wonder if the "church" as we know it here in America is really a "congregation of saints" or just a "collection of individuals." I've wondered that for a long time.

3) I am sometimes really bored with all the "christianese" that I hear--particularly when it's an isolated language that Christ-followers use among ourselves....and often doesn't relate to anyone outside of our "clan"--and many times to no one inside the clan either.

Pray for me. I need a spiritual "break through."


ruthrap said...

Phil, I know exactly what you mean..sometimes Christians tend to isolate themselves and when they relate, they tend to stick with "their own kind" so to speak...which gives them a "holier than thou" persona..not good...we, as Christians are to branch out and seek out the lost, not stay in the cluster where we find comfort in numbers! What's your input on this...I'm interested!

Kevin Bussey said...


I will be praying for a breakthrough.