Dear Senator Obama

First, please allow me the opportunity to say how very proud all of us here in Illinois are to have you serve in the United States Senate on our behalf. At one time I would have vigorously supported your Republican opponent in the 2004 election (Former Ambassador Alan Keyes), but he made that nigh to impossible. I was happy to cast my vote for you.

Second, I was quite dismayed that you voted against both Chief Justice John Roberts and Associate Justice Samuel Alito for the Supreme Court. And unless I'm missing something, you've never told the good people of this state why you cast the "No" vote against these two public servants. Don't you think we deserve some type of explanation?

Third, I have read The Audacity of Hope once, and am now re-reading it. You articulate some very worthy ideas, and have started a "deep conversation" in which all Americans need to participate. Sadly though, I'm not sure that many of my fellow citizens want to think "beyond themselves" and to see what could lie ahead for this great nation. We are a "self-consumed" nation, even if I must say so myself. You give us much to think about in your excellent volume--it's so good that I am having to re-read it, just so I can digest it more fully.

Fourth, even though I think that Oprah Winfrey is a great person, don't take her press releases concerning you too terribly seriously. You, as well as anyone in public life, know that you are "never as good as the reports" and that you are "certainly never as bad as the reports" make you out to be (or become). Oprah's opinion does carry alot of weight with alot of folks--as well as it should--she's earned her right to voice her opinion on the issues. But remember also, Senator, that Oprah is one vote...just like everyone else who is eligible to participate in the process.

Fifth, you've made a commitment to your family. Your beautiful wife, and those two darling little girls (Malia and Sasha) are your FIRST priorities. In the long run, what happens in YOUR HOUSE is far more important than what happens in the WHITE HOUSE. God has favored you and Michelle with two precious gifts--and those gifts are sacred trusts which must be nurtured, guarded and guided with all that you have within you. God knew that He could trust those two girls to the two of you--don't betray His trust of your daughters to you. There are plenty of other people who can run for the Presidency. But only YOU can be the father that God intended for your daughters, and the husband for your wife.

Finally, Senator Obama you are a good man. You are called to be "good" and to be "faithful." Make sure you that you lean on this Christ whom you trusted years ago. Follow Him wherever He leads.

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