Dangerously close...

I was fascinated with CNN's "The Situation Room" broadcast last night, featuring Senators Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and former North Carolina Senator John Edwards. The theme of the evening was "Faith and Politics." Soledad O'Brien moderated the discussion, which was more in the format of three 15-minute interviews, with each of the three special guests appearing one at a time on the platform.

It was a tremendously informative program--or at least I thought so.

What fascinated me was the way that each of the politicians handled questions about their own faith journey, and how "faith" informs public policy, and how "faith" would inform their public policies if they are elected to the Presidency of the United States.

I was particularly interested in Senator Clinton's response to the questions forwarded to her. She spoke of how she learned to pray as a child, and that prayer has always been an important part of her life. She assured the audience that she would have never survived all the "stuff" in her husband's administration--including his moral indiscretions--if it had not been for her relationship with God through prayer.

I am not one to judge Senator Clinton nor the other two guests on last night's program. Former Senator Edwards confessed how he grew up in the Southern Baptist Convention, strayed away from the Lord, and found his way back to Christ when his first son was killed several years ago. Senator Obama's "testimony" was less riveting, because he didn't talk about his "conversion."

Yet, as one who believes the Scriptures, and believes that Christ is the ONLY way to God the Father, and the Christ is the ONLY Saviour, I want to hear what these (and the other) political candidates have to say about "their faith."

I know many, many godly people who vote for the Democratic candidate--every election! I have ZERO reason to "question" or "doubt" their relationship with the Lord God. One of these leaders once lead a major conservative Pentecostal denomination. I've known the man personally for almost thirty years. He votes for the Democratic candidate...and I have no problem with it.

I'm grateful that CNN had the foresight to have this discussion on the air in the first place. I'm grateful that Senators Clinton, Obama, and Edwards were willing to share part of their lives and views that we might have not heard otherwise.

And regardless of whom is elected, we will need the Lord to help us in these great United States.

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