5. I am thankful for "memories"....

The songwriter was absolute correct:

"Precious memories, Unseen angels
Sent from somewhere to my soul.
How they linger, ever near me
Precious sacred scenes unfold."

It seems like most of contemporary culture gets caught up in the "now" and sometimes "the future" but fails to remember "the past". In other words, we don't learn much because we don't like to "look back."

Those "sacred scenes" unfolding in my life often remind me of God's great faithfulness, and His "ever present in the time of trouble" promises from His Word.

Those "sacred scenes" unfolding in my life often remind me of what it was like to "have less" but to enjoy "life" so much more than most of us seem to enjoy it now. I (we) have found out that "life does not consist in the abundance of things we possess." Seems like I've read that somewhere before. (You all are smart, you know where I've read it).

Those "sacred scenes" unfolding in my life often remind me that I stand on the shoulders of those wonderful people who have gone before me. These scenes remind me that "no man is an island" and that I should never try to be one myself...it is guaranteed failure. Guaranteed.

Those "sacred scenes" unfolding in my life often remind me of times when God's people would sometimes pray all afternoon, weeping before the Lord in the altars of the local church. We stayed there until we "prayed through." As a teenager, I often didn't understand it...but as an adult I LONG FOR IT....those precious, precious times when all that really matters is that "my will" aligns with the designs of Heaven and Heaven's King.

Those "sacred scenes" unfolding in my life often remind me of my Grandmother Hoover's wonderful "biscuits" every morning for breakfast. (And to many of my friends, "biscuits" are a very holy and sacred thing, but I won't embarrass anyone by naming names here...at least not this early in the morning). Every single time I've ever make a biscuit, I have recalled how my precious grandmother (now rejoicing on the streets of glory) made her biscuits....I hope I am doing her proud. Not sure mine will ever be as good as hers, but I think they come close.

Those "sacred scenes" unfolding in my life often remind me of how God has provided HIS FAMILY to be my family....and that will deserve several posts of its' own. I'll write about that later.

Yes, these memories are precious. "Unseen angels" indeed.

1 comment:

Bill (cycleguy) said...

Great memories Phil. I found myself looking back on some things this past week while working on a sermon-things from home that involved my late mother. They were precious beyond belief. Thanks for the reminder.