23. I am thankful for the STRUGGLE...

Some of you think I have probably lost my mind...."thankful for the struggle"...how can it be?

I often ask myself the same question....and even at this ungodly early hour...I am sitting here at a friend's laptop (I'm in New Mexico at this very moment, visiting some dear friends), thanking God for the "struggle"....

Because I know that in every struggle, I can go to the Rock....that Rock is Jesus. In every struggle, I know that all my tears are not in vain.....God washes my eyes with tears, so I can see His Son more clearly.

The "struggle" reminds me that this life isn't all there is....that a far better day is coming. A day when all the toils, cares, heartaches, disappointments, setbacks, and defeats will be ended...eternally.

The "struggle" reminds me that I can't live life alone...I need the love, fellowship, communion, and grace offered by a lot of other people....and they need it as well....we are in this thing together.

The "struggle" reminds me that all the feelings of inferiority, insecurity, and unworthiness are just that: feelings. God has already validated me with the blood of His own Son. Sometimes the real "struggle" is in remembering this most important of FACTS....

The Perrys sing a wonderful song, "I Rest my case at the Cross"----and when I bring it all to the Cross, I can give my "struggle" to Him. He does indeed "champion" my cause. He hears my case....He renders His verdict...and He declares that I belong to Him.

Even in the "struggle."

1 comment:

Bill (cycleguy) said...

For the reasons you mention Phil I will definitely have to agree with you on being thankful for the struggle. My favorite? I am not alone and this life isn't all there is. Hmmm that's two.